• Something is broken with the website. Who can I tell?

    • If you’ve already registered for Thicket, you can head over to the forum and post a bug in the feedback section. Or, just send us an email. Thicket is very much a work in progress so please excuse the mess. Thanks for your help!
  • Can I download the full academic paper from Thicket? Where can I get it?

    • We don’t host any articles on Thicket, unfortunately. Your best bet is to follow the our link to the article’s IDEAS page, which usually has links to all available versions, or to search on Google Scholar.
  • Why can’t I find the economics paper or author I’m looking for?

    • Thicket article (Evidence) and author data is based on RePEc data. If you can find the paper on RePEc but not on Thicket, it may be because we are not using the most up-to-date version of RePEc data. Or it may be because we did something wrong importing. Feel free to email us if you have questions.
  • I’m an economist or other author. How can I update my author details?

    • We get our author details straight from RePEc/IDEAS, which gets its data from two places: authors who sign up and edit their details themselves, and institutions and publishers who submit article metadata to RePEc. In other words, you should sign up on the RePEc Author Service.
  • I found an error! You should fix it.

    • Is the error in the Evidence or Author details? We get that data from RePEc, so unfortunately there’s not much we can do. But if the error is in an Argument or Relation, you can edit it yourself once you’ve signed up for an account.
  • Are you going to include other topics besides economics?

    • We’d love to if we can find the resources and the data. What topics would you like to see? Drop us a line on email or make a suggestion over on our forum.